

Setting boundaries (English)

Let op: Deze training is inmiddels van start, inschrijven is niet meer mogelijk.

Learning to recognize your own boundaries and how to guard those boundaries. Once you recognize yours, you can also learn to ‘say no’. Many volunteers have difficulty saying ‘no’, often because they want to maintain a good relationship with their buddy or confidant. But that doesn’t have to get in each other’s way. Making your boundaries known also creates clarity. This way you can do your volunteer work under circumstances that you and your participant feel good about.

Objective and content
This training ‘Setting Boundaries’ addresses questions such as why saying no is so complicated, but also what it benefits you. The training contains a practical part. You discover where your personal boundaries lie and you practice having short conversations with real-life situations.

For whom?
This training is for volunteers who have completed our Basic training for buddies (or Supportive Volunteering) and are interested in this topic.

Time investment
6 hours

Study material
Will be handed out during the training session.

Number of participants
The course can accommodate up to 12 participants (with a minimum of 6).

Certificate of attendance