

In betweenness as a meeting place

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with Dorit Weintal

In this masterclass together with Dorit Weintal (choreographer/dance/multi-disciplinary artist) we explore how we can connect with instinctive knowledge.

Purpose and content
We learn how to consider the body and our environment as sources for instinctive knowledge and learn how to listen to our inner wisdom. This can help us to stay between opposing desires, in- between different states of mind and can guide us in times of constant change.

On the master
Dorit Weintal is initiator of project TRUST, a one-year research (2019 – 2020). During a year Dorit has been collaborating with migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, migrants with no status together with her artistic team to create an experience that can open unexpected horizons of meaning; bringing contemporary dance, original poetry, voice, and cinematographic techniques together with live-based-reality performances. She has a long- time experience as a dancer and choreographer working with people in extremely challenging situations. She explores the notion of in-betweenness and how we live in times of uncertainty.

For whom?
Anyone interested in the subject, in particular volunteers, trainees, caregivers and professionals.

Time investment
3 hours

Study material
Does not apply

Number of places
The course can accommodate up to 30 participants.

Certificate of attendance

Extra information
More info: www.doritweintal.com

Site by Alsjeblaft!