
Schrijf je in voor ‘Japanese Ba and collective learning (English)’

We often think that learning and creativity are individual processes, but we influence and need each other in this process. We are corporeal beings, in a physical environment, and are related to each other as well as to our history and culture. In this way an energy field (Ba) comes alive.

If we are aware of this field (Ba) we can consciously use it in our interaction with each other.

Purpose and content
In this masterclass we discuss and experience how we can create good Ba, we learn to feel the Ba-field and how to use this to our advantage in interaction with each other. We can learn knowledge creation process by using our body and our imagination. How we feel and sense is important as well as how we think.

On the master
Emiko Tsuyuki is Professor in Chuo Business School, Chuo University, Tokyo Japan.
M.A. in Sociology, M.Sc and Ph.D. in Knowledge Science. She is specialised in Organization theory and Organization Behavior, especially, team work and collective creativity.

For whom?
Anyone interested in the subject, in particular volunteers, trainees, experiential experts, caregivers, professionals, managers, officials and politicians.

Time investment
2 hours

Study material
Does not apply

Number of places
The course can accommodate up to 20 participants.

Certificate of attendance

Overzicht masterclasses – Bronnen van kennis


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