
Schrijf je in voor ‘Japanese Ba and collective learning (English spoken)’

We often think that learning and creativity are individual processes, but we influence and need each other in this process. We are corporeal beings, in a physical environment, and are related to each other as well as to our history and culture. In this way an energy field (Ba) comes alive.

If we are aware of this field (Ba) we can consciously use it in our interaction with each other. In this masterclass we discover what we can learn from Japanese shrimp fishers who need to work together in rough circumstances and we learn to feel the Ba-field and how to use this to our advantage in interaction with each other. We can learn knowledge creation process by using our body. How we feel and sense is important as well as how we think.

On the master
Emiko Tsuyuki is Professor in Chuo Business School, Chuo University, Tokyo Japan.
M.A. in Sociology, M.Sc and Ph.D. in Knowledge Science. She is specialised in Organization theory and Organization Behavior, especially, team work and collective creativity.

For whom?
Anyone interested in the subject, in particular volunteers, trainees, experiential experts, caregivers, professionals, managers, officials and politicians.

Time investment
2.5 hours (including drinks afterwards).

Number of places
The course can accommodate up to 30 participants.

Masterclasses spring 2019

Since 2012, the Volunteer Academy has been organizing masterclasses to investigate how we can ensure an inclusive city with care for people in vulnerable positions. Together with a master we investigate what we encounter, we reflect on our own experience and attitude and we bring policy and care in practice.

Time and again it appears that contact is the key to moving forward together. That is why we are organizing a series of masterclasses this spring about what happens between people. With a number of (inter) national masters who also apply their knowledge in practice.


Masterclasses voorjaar 2019

Sinds 2012 organiseert de Vrijwilligersacademie masterclasses om te onderzoeken hoe we kunnen zorgen voor een inclusieve stad met zorg voor mensen in kwetsbare posities. Samen met een master onderzoeken we waar we tegenaan lopen, reflecteren we op onze eigen ervaring en houding en krijgen we handvatten voor beleid en zorg in de praktijk.

Het blijkt steeds weer dat contact de sleutel is om samen verder te komen. Daarom organiseren we dit voorjaar een serie masterclasses over wat er tussen mensen gebeurt. Met een aantal (inter)nationale masters die hun kennis ook in de praktijk toepassen.


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